Angus Forbes: Blog en-us (C) Angus Forbes [email protected] (Angus Forbes) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:52:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:52:00 GMT Angus Forbes: Blog 111 120 Dundee Wedding Photographer Piperdam I just knew this would be a great day, Carly and Craig were so easy to work with and Carly was really excited about her Wedding - add to the fact they had chosen a lovely venue in Piperdam. 


I kicked my day off with Bridal preperation photography at her parents house in Dundee, the weather forecast was not ideal but it was fine at the moment. 

Dundee Wedding Photographer Dundee01-08-15-010Wedding Photography at Piperdam by Angus Forbes Dundee Wedding Photographer Dundee01-08-15-010Wedding Photography at Piperdam by Angus Forbes Dundee Wedding Photographer Dundee01-08-15-010Wedding Photography at Piperdam by Angus Forbes Dundee Wedding Photographer Dundee01-08-15-010Wedding Photography at Piperdam by Angus Forbes Dundee Wedding Photographer Dundee01-08-15-010Wedding Photography at Piperdam by Angus Forbes Dundee Wedding Photographer Dundee01-08-15-010Wedding Photography at Piperdam by Angus Forbes Dundee Wedding Photographer Dundee01-08-15-010Wedding Photography at Piperdam by Angus Forbes Dundee Wedding Photographer Dundee01-08-15-010Wedding Photography at Piperdam by Angus Forbes Dundee Wedding Photographer Dundee01-08-15-010Wedding Photography at Piperdam by Angus Forbes Dundee Wedding Photographer Dundee01-08-15-010Wedding Photography at Piperdam by Angus Forbes Dundee Wedding Photographer Dundee01-08-15-010Wedding Photography at Piperdam by Angus Forbes Dundee Wedding Photographer Dundee01-08-15-010Wedding Photography at Piperdam by Angus Forbes Dundee Wedding Photographer Dundee01-08-15-010Wedding Photography at Piperdam by Angus Forbes Dundee Wedding Photographer Dundee01-08-15-010Wedding Photography at Piperdam by Angus Forbes Dundee Wedding Photographer Dundee01-08-15-010Wedding Photography at Piperdam by Angus Forbes Dundee Wedding Photographer Dundee01-08-15-010Wedding Photography at Piperdam by Angus Forbes Dundee Wedding Photographer Dundee01-08-15-010Wedding Photography at Piperdam by Angus Forbes Dundee Wedding Photographer Dundee01-08-15-010Wedding Photography at Piperdam by Angus Forbes Dundee Wedding Photographer Dundee01-08-15-010Wedding Photography at Piperdam by Angus Forbes Dundee Wedding Photographer Dundee01-08-15-010Wedding Photography at Piperdam by Angus Forbes Dundee Wedding Photographer Dundee01-08-15-010Wedding Photography at Piperdam by Angus Forbes Dundee Wedding Photographer Dundee01-08-15-010Wedding Photography at Piperdam by Angus Forbes Dundee Wedding Photographer Dundee01-08-15-010Wedding Photography at Piperdam by Angus Forbes Dundee Wedding Photographer Dundee01-08-15-010Wedding Photography at Piperdam by Angus Forbes Dundee Wedding Photographer Dundee01-08-15-010Wedding Photography at Piperdam by Angus Forbes Dundee Wedding Photographer Dundee01-08-15-010Wedding Photography at Piperdam by Angus Forbes Dundee Wedding Photographer Dundee01-08-15-010Wedding Photography at Piperdam by Angus Forbes Dundee Wedding Photographer Dundee01-08-15-010Wedding Photography at Piperdam by Angus Forbes

[email protected] (Angus Forbes) Wedding Photographer Dundee dundee Wedding Venue dundee wedding photographer Tue, 08 Dec 2015 12:22:51 GMT
Dunkeld Hilton Wedding Wendy and Richard Perth Wedding Photographer What a lovely day with Richard and Wendy celebrating their Wedding at Hilton Dunkeld on a glorious summer day.  Happy guests drinking on the lawn, football for the kids and a walk by the river - whats not to like 

070815-006070815-006Wedding Photography at Dunkeld Hilton by Angus Forbes 070815-025070815-025Wedding Photography at Dunkeld Hilton by Angus Forbes 070815-017070815-017Wedding Photography at Dunkeld Hilton by Angus Forbes 070815-027070815-027Wedding Photography at Dunkeld Hilton by Angus Forbes 070815-032070815-032Wedding Photography at Dunkeld Hilton by Angus Forbes 070815-039070815-039Wedding Photography at Dunkeld Hilton by Angus Forbes 070815-041070815-041Wedding Photography at Dunkeld Hilton by Angus Forbes 070815-066070815-066Wedding Photography at Dunkeld Hilton by Angus Forbes 070815-053070815-053Wedding Photography at Dunkeld Hilton by Angus Forbes 070815-069070815-069Wedding Photography at Dunkeld Hilton by Angus Forbes 070815-084070815-084Wedding Photography at Dunkeld Hilton by Angus Forbes 070815-085070815-085Wedding Photography at Dunkeld Hilton by Angus Forbes 070815-092070815-092Wedding Photography at Dunkeld Hilton by Angus Forbes 070815-104070815-104Wedding Photography at Dunkeld Hilton by Angus Forbes 070815-125070815-125Wedding Photography at Dunkeld Hilton by Angus Forbes 070815-134070815-134Wedding Photography at Dunkeld Hilton by Angus Forbes 070815-136070815-136Wedding Photography at Dunkeld Hilton by Angus Forbes 070815-138070815-138Wedding Photography at Dunkeld Hilton by Angus Forbes 070815-140070815-140Wedding Photography at Dunkeld Hilton by Angus Forbes 070815-146070815-146Wedding Photography at Dunkeld Hilton by Angus Forbes 070815-150070815-150Wedding Photography at Dunkeld Hilton by Angus Forbes 070815-152070815-152Wedding Photography at Dunkeld Hilton by Angus Forbes 070815-156070815-156Wedding Photography at Dunkeld Hilton by Angus Forbes 070815-158070815-158Wedding Photography at Dunkeld Hilton by Angus Forbes 070815-164070815-164Wedding Photography at Dunkeld Hilton by Angus Forbes 070815-183070815-183Wedding Photography at Dunkeld Hilton by Angus Forbes 070815-201070815-201Wedding Photography at Dunkeld Hilton by Angus Forbes


[email protected] (Angus Forbes) Perth dunkeld photographer photography wedding Fri, 04 Dec 2015 22:10:57 GMT
Fernie Castle Wedding Sarah and Neil The service was challenging, the room was very dark and very full, the Minister and the Videographer and myself were all crammed right at the front. It was a lovely service and the Minister obviously knew them well, very personal

Forbes of Kingennie photographer 0527 Fernie Castle Wedding Sarah and NeilForbes-of-Kingennie-photographer_0527 Forbes of Kingennie photographer 0528 Fernie Castle Wedding Sarah and NeilForbes-of-Kingennie-photographer_0528 Forbes of Kingennie photographer 0529 Fernie Castle Wedding Sarah and NeilForbes-of-Kingennie-photographer_0529 Forbes of Kingennie photographer 0530 Fernie Castle Wedding Sarah and NeilForbes-of-Kingennie-photographer_0530 Forbes of Kingennie photographer 0531 Fernie Castle Wedding Sarah and NeilForbes-of-Kingennie-photographer_0531 Forbes of Kingennie photographer 0532 Fernie Castle Wedding Sarah and NeilForbes-of-Kingennie-photographer_0532 Forbes of Kingennie photographer 0533 Fernie Castle Wedding Sarah and NeilForbes-of-Kingennie-photographer_0533 Forbes of Kingennie photographer 0534 Fernie Castle Wedding Sarah and NeilForbes-of-Kingennie-photographer_0534

[email protected] (Angus Forbes) Wedding Photography "fernie castle" "scottish castle wedding" "wedding photography" angus forbes blairgowrie dundee wedding photographer fife wedding photographer Tue, 17 Dec 2013 11:05:54 GMT
Fernie Castle Wedding Sarah and Neil My first Wedding for ages at Fernie Castle and what a great Wedding it was. Neil and Sarah met and fell in love at School then went their separate ways, met other people, had kids etc. The, thanks to the power of Facebook, they met up again and fell in love all over again.

Forbes of Kingennie photographer 0519 Fernie Castle Wedding Sarah and NeilForbes-of-Kingennie-photographer_0519 Forbes of Kingennie photographer 0520 Fernie Castle Wedding Sarah and NeilForbes-of-Kingennie-photographer_0520 Forbes of Kingennie photographer 0521 Fernie Castle Wedding Sarah and NeilForbes-of-Kingennie-photographer_0521 Forbes of Kingennie photographer 0522 Fernie Castle Wedding Sarah and NeilForbes-of-Kingennie-photographer_0522 Forbes of Kingennie photographer 0523 Fernie Castle Wedding Sarah and NeilForbes-of-Kingennie-photographer_0523 Forbes of Kingennie photographer 0524 Fernie Castle Wedding Sarah and NeilForbes-of-Kingennie-photographer_0524 Forbes of Kingennie photographer 0525 Fernie Castle Wedding Sarah and NeilForbes-of-Kingennie-photographer_0525 Forbes of Kingennie photographer 0526 Fernie Castle Wedding Sarah and NeilForbes-of-Kingennie-photographer_0526

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]]> [email protected] (Angus Forbes) Wedding Photography "fernie castle" "hotel photography" "scottish castle wedding" "wedding photography" angus forbes blairgowrie dundee wedding photographer fife wedding photographer perth scotland perthshire photographer wedding photography Mon, 16 Dec 2013 10:36:38 GMT Commercial work for Forbes of Kingennie A regular Wedding Haunt for me is Forbes of Kingennie,  a lovely resort built round a golf course and fishing loch near Dundee. They asked me to come along and photograph their facilities; lodges, golf course, fishing, restaurant, bar etc. I was so lucky with the weather that day, it was absolutely beautiful, the autumn colours were just at their best – see what you think for yourself

Forbes of Kingennie photographer 0511 Commercial work for Forbes of KingennieForbes-of-Kingennie-photographer_0511 Forbes of Kingennie photographer 0512 Commercial work for Forbes of KingennieForbes-of-Kingennie-photographer_0512 Forbes of Kingennie photographer 0513 Commercial work for Forbes of KingennieForbes-of-Kingennie-photographer_0513 Forbes of Kingennie photographer 0514 Commercial work for Forbes of KingennieForbes-of-Kingennie-photographer_0514 Forbes of Kingennie photographer 0515 Commercial work for Forbes of KingennieForbes-of-Kingennie-photographer_0515 Forbes of Kingennie photographer 0516 Commercial work for Forbes of KingennieForbes-of-Kingennie-photographer_0516 Forbes of Kingennie photographer 0517 Commercial work for Forbes of KingennieForbes-of-Kingennie-photographer_0517 Forbes of Kingennie photographer 0518 Commercial work for Forbes of KingennieForbes-of-Kingennie-photographer_0518

[email protected] (Angus Forbes) Commercial Photography "dundee photographer" "scottish photogreapher" "tourism photography" forbes of kingennie Sun, 15 Dec 2013 11:01:14 GMT
Ballathie House Hotel Kirsty and Barrie Wedding Photography Time for speeches and unusually, Kirsty made one then a quick run home for dinner then it was back to Ballathie for the dancing which was quite substantially delayed !

Ballathie Wedding Photographer 0507 Ballathie House Hotel Kirsty and Barrie Wedding PhotographyBallathie-Wedding-Photographer_0507 Ballathie Wedding Photographer 0508 Ballathie House Hotel Kirsty and Barrie Wedding PhotographyBallathie-Wedding-Photographer_0508 Ballathie Wedding Photographer 0509 Ballathie House Hotel Kirsty and Barrie Wedding PhotographyBallathie-Wedding-Photographer_0509 Ballathie Wedding Photographer 0510 Ballathie House Hotel Kirsty and Barrie Wedding PhotographyBallathie-Wedding-Photographer_0510

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[email protected] (Angus Forbes) Wedding Photography "scottish castle wedding" ballathie blairgowrie dundee wedding photographer perth scotland perthshire photography scotland wedding photographer wedding photography Sat, 14 Dec 2013 10:42:22 GMT
Kirsty and Barrie Wedding at Ballathie House Hotel The service was conducted by Perth Registrars, as lovely as usual.

Ballathie Wedding Photographer 0501 Kirsty and Barrie Wedding at Ballathie House HotelBallathie-Wedding-Photographer_0501 Ballathie Wedding Photographer 0502 Kirsty and Barrie Wedding at Ballathie House HotelBallathie-Wedding-Photographer_0502 Ballathie Wedding Photographer 0503 Kirsty and Barrie Wedding at Ballathie House HotelBallathie-Wedding-Photographer_0503 Ballathie Wedding Photographer 0504 Kirsty and Barrie Wedding at Ballathie House HotelBallathie-Wedding-Photographer_0504 Ballathie Wedding Photographer 0505 Kirsty and Barrie Wedding at Ballathie House HotelBallathie-Wedding-Photographer_0505

We couldn’t get outside for any photography which was a pity, thankfully Ballathie is lovely inside although it was full of people!


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[email protected] (Angus Forbes) Wedding Photography "scottish castle wedding" "wedding photography" angus forbes ballathie blairgowrie dundee wedding photographer perth photographer photography scotland wedding wedding photographer wedding photography Fri, 13 Dec 2013 11:00:42 GMT
Ballathie Hotel Wedding Kirsty and Barrie Just a week after my last Wedding at Ballathie House Hotel, I was back for Kristy and Barries big day, unlike last week, the weather was awful, torrential rain and high wind – not ideal but that’s life. It was a bigger Wedding, almost at capacity for Ballathie.  As usual I kicked off with some bridal prep shots in Kirstys room.

Ballathie Wedding Photographer 0494 Ballathie Hotel Wedding Kirsty and BarrieBallathie-Wedding-Photographer_0494 Ballathie Wedding Photographer 0495 Ballathie Hotel Wedding Kirsty and BarrieBallathie-Wedding-Photographer_0495 Ballathie Wedding Photographer 0496 Ballathie Hotel Wedding Kirsty and BarrieBallathie-Wedding-Photographer_0496 Ballathie Wedding Photographer 0497 Ballathie Hotel Wedding Kirsty and BarrieBallathie-Wedding-Photographer_0497 Ballathie Wedding Photographer 0498 Ballathie Hotel Wedding Kirsty and BarrieBallathie-Wedding-Photographer_0498 Ballathie Wedding Photographer 0499 Ballathie Hotel Wedding Kirsty and BarrieBallathie-Wedding-Photographer_0499 Ballathie Wedding Photographer 0500 Ballathie Hotel Wedding Kirsty and BarrieBallathie-Wedding-Photographer_0500

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[email protected] (Angus Forbes) Wedding Photography "scottish castle wedding" "wedding photography" angus forbes ballathie blairgowrie dundee dundee wedding photographer dunkeld perthshire photographer scotland wedding wedding photographer wedding photography Thu, 12 Dec 2013 11:00:30 GMT
St Andrews Aquarium PR Photography A PR client asked me to photograph the winner of a competition they were running on behalf of a client of theirs – St Andrews Aquarium. I love working with animals, especially Meercats and Penguins, a dream shoot for me. While this was to photograph the person that won the competition, they also asked me to photograph some other animals for them to use in future promotions.

171013 009 St Andrews Aquarium PR Photography171013-009 171013 010 St Andrews Aquarium PR Photography171013-010 171013 013 St Andrews Aquarium PR Photography171013-013 171013 019 St Andrews Aquarium PR Photography171013-019 171013 024 St Andrews Aquarium PR Photography171013-024 171013 030 St Andrews Aquarium PR Photography171013-030 171013 032 St Andrews Aquarium PR Photography171013-032 171013 035 St Andrews Aquarium PR Photography171013-035 171013 037 St Andrews Aquarium PR Photography171013-037


[email protected] (Angus Forbes) Commercial Photography "commercial photographer perth" "edinburgh commercial photographer" "st andrews" Wed, 11 Dec 2013 11:00:07 GMT
Ballathie Wedding Photography Moira and John With this being such a small Wedding, there was plenty of time for photography, we were only racing against the light. Moira wanted loads of photographs of her family and especially her grand children. I was happy to oblige, especially with their 3 legged dog!


Ballathie Wedding Photographer 0484 Ballathie Wedding Photography Moira and JohnBallathie-Wedding-Photographer_0484 Ballathie Wedding Photographer 0485 Ballathie Wedding Photography Moira and JohnBallathie-Wedding-Photographer_0485 Ballathie Wedding Photographer 0486 Ballathie Wedding Photography Moira and JohnBallathie-Wedding-Photographer_0486 Ballathie Wedding Photographer 0487 Ballathie Wedding Photography Moira and JohnBallathie-Wedding-Photographer_0487 Ballathie Wedding Photographer 0488 Ballathie Wedding Photography Moira and JohnBallathie-Wedding-Photographer_0488 Ballathie Wedding Photographer 0489 Ballathie Wedding Photography Moira and JohnBallathie-Wedding-Photographer_0489 Ballathie Wedding Photographer 0490 Ballathie Wedding Photography Moira and JohnBallathie-Wedding-Photographer_0490 Ballathie Wedding Photographer 0491 Ballathie Wedding Photography Moira and JohnBallathie-Wedding-Photographer_0491 Ballathie Wedding Photographer 0492 Ballathie Wedding Photography Moira and JohnBallathie-Wedding-Photographer_0492 Ballathie Wedding Photographer 0493 Ballathie Wedding Photography Moira and JohnBallathie-Wedding-Photographer_0493

[email protected] (Angus Forbes) Wedding Photography "scottish castle wedding" "wedding photography" angus forbes ballathie blairgowrie dundee dundee wedding photographer perth perth scotland perthshire photographer photography scotland wedding wedding photographer wedding photography Tue, 10 Dec 2013 02:00:57 GMT
Ballathie Wedding John and Moira Ballathie Hotel is a place that I often get booked to photograph small Weddings, as small as 2 people on one occasion. Moira and Johns Wedding was slightly larger at 16 people but still very intimate. A really lovely couple, easy going and very happy with everything.

Ballathie Wedding Photographer 0474 Ballathie Wedding John and MoiraBallathie-Wedding-Photographer_0474 Ballathie Wedding Photographer 0475 Ballathie Wedding John and MoiraBallathie-Wedding-Photographer_0475 Ballathie Wedding Photographer 0476 Ballathie Wedding John and MoiraBallathie-Wedding-Photographer_0476 Ballathie Wedding Photographer 0477 Ballathie Wedding John and MoiraBallathie-Wedding-Photographer_0477 Ballathie Wedding Photographer 0478 Ballathie Wedding John and MoiraBallathie-Wedding-Photographer_0478 Ballathie Wedding Photographer 0479 Ballathie Wedding John and MoiraBallathie-Wedding-Photographer_0479 Ballathie Wedding Photographer 0480 Ballathie Wedding John and MoiraBallathie-Wedding-Photographer_0480 Ballathie Wedding Photographer 0481 Ballathie Wedding John and MoiraBallathie-Wedding-Photographer_0481 Ballathie Wedding Photographer 0482 Ballathie Wedding John and MoiraBallathie-Wedding-Photographer_0482 Ballathie Wedding Photographer 0483 Ballathie Wedding John and MoiraBallathie-Wedding-Photographer_0483

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[email protected] (Angus Forbes) Wedding Photography "scottish castle wedding" "wedding photography" angus forbes ballathie blairgowrie fife wedding photographer perth perth scotland perthshire photographer scotland wedding wedding photographer wedding photography Mon, 09 Dec 2013 10:45:20 GMT
Atholl Palace Wedding Ryan and Linzi After the service and after the large group shot, we headed down to the gardens at the bottom of Atholl Palace for a few shots before it got too dark, a real issue at this time of year. Then it was time for family stuff before the Linzi and Ryan were called in for dinner and speeches

Pitlochry Wedding Photographer 0463 Atholl Palace Wedding Ryan and LinziPitlochry-Wedding-Photographer_0463 Pitlochry Wedding Photographer 0464 Atholl Palace Wedding Ryan and LinziPitlochry-Wedding-Photographer_0464 Pitlochry Wedding Photographer 0465 Atholl Palace Wedding Ryan and LinziPitlochry-Wedding-Photographer_0465 Pitlochry Wedding Photographer 0466 Atholl Palace Wedding Ryan and LinziPitlochry-Wedding-Photographer_0466 Pitlochry Wedding Photographer 0467 Atholl Palace Wedding Ryan and LinziPitlochry-Wedding-Photographer_0467 Pitlochry Wedding Photographer 0468 Atholl Palace Wedding Ryan and LinziPitlochry-Wedding-Photographer_0468 Pitlochry Wedding Photographer 0469 Atholl Palace Wedding Ryan and LinziPitlochry-Wedding-Photographer_0469 Pitlochry Wedding Photographer 0470 Atholl Palace Wedding Ryan and LinziPitlochry-Wedding-Photographer_0470 Pitlochry Wedding Photographer 0471 Atholl Palace Wedding Ryan and LinziPitlochry-Wedding-Photographer_0471 Pitlochry Wedding Photographer 0472 Atholl Palace Wedding Ryan and LinziPitlochry-Wedding-Photographer_0472

Linzi and Ryan, it was an absolute pleasure to meet and work with you, thanks for welcoming me into your day.


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[email protected] (Angus Forbes) Wedding Photography "atholl palace" "scottish castle wedding" "wedding photography" angus forbes blairgowrie dundee wedding photographer dunkeld perth scotland perthshire photographer photography pitlochry tayside wedding photographer wedding photography Sun, 08 Dec 2013 11:00:59 GMT